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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes of 3/28/2011

April 7th, 2011

Carroll Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
March 28, 2011

"These minutes of the Town of Carroll Select Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions and corrections by the Select Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2."

Minutes recorded by Maryclare Quigley, Secretary

Board members present: Mark Catalano, Bonnie Moroney, Bill Dowling

The meeting was called to order at 7:01 PM by Chairman Catalano

Members of the public present: Claire Gritzer, Roberta McGee, John Karpf, Al Strasser, Greg Hogan, Mike Gooden, Carmine Fabrizio, Scott Sonia, Marc Brodeur, Tadd Bailey, Jeremy Oleson, Jeff Duncan, Bill Smalley, Joyce Charrette, Dave Scalley, Ben Jellison, Donna Foster

Pledge of Allegiance

Chairman Catalano read the following statement: “This meeting is being taped by a private citizen and is not done under the sponsorship of the town and is not an official record of the town.”

Chairman Catalano made a Motion to: Accept the minutes for March 21, 2011. Selectman Moroney seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

Claire Gritzer attended on behalf of the Library Trustees and the Trustees of the Trust Funds. Mrs. Gritzer had sent a letter to each of the Selectmen, from which she read, regarding their previous decision about putting a freeze on non-mandatory spending. She spoke of the warrant articles that had been approved and said she didn’t know which articles were allowed to be spent. Mrs. Gritzer went on to say they must continue to invest the money and would like to be able to invest those articles which passed and asked what the Town wants to do. Chairman Catalano gave some background about holding the money, revenues expected to decrease and costs increasing. He said it was his intention to only put a temporary hiatus on non-mandatory spending—he doesn’t feel there should be any reservations on investing town money. Mrs. Gritzer emphasized the Trustees prefer investing any money to having it sit in a bank getting no interest. Based on earlier discussion that the normal handling is that money is turned over to the Trustees when the articles have passed, the Board agreed the Trustees should proceed as normal.

Chairman Catalano read a letter from the Selectmen from Whitefield that they are in the process of selling land they own in Carroll to the United States Forest Service. As part of this, they have been asked by the Forest Service to get a letter of support of this. The letter also included RSA 121:1-6 governing the action. After brief discussion that they just need Carroll’s “blessing” and that it is land owned by Whitefield, Selectman Moroney made a Motion to: Write to Whitefield that the Town of Carroll supports their plan. Chairman Catalano seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

The following items were approved and signed:

Property Abatements – Lanier ECE Properties, LLC (2) It was noted this is located in Bretton
Woods and because of the terrain, it is difficult property to get to.
Current Use Application – Lo

Under Other

The Secretary advised that Bill Rines had been to the office regarding a bond he had at one time. They are trying to clear the bond and Mr. Rines needs a letter from the Town that they are not currently holding one. There is none in the Selectmen’s Office and Selectman Moroney, having been the rep on the Planning Board, advised that she is not aware of any. The Secretary advised she would send a memo to the Planning Board Secretary for the next meeting which is on April 7. It was agreed as long as there is no bond, the Selectmen have no problem sending a letter to that effect.

Chairman Catalano referenced RSA 31:95-C which had been brought up at a previous meeting relative to powers and duties of the town’s special revenue funds. He said he had looked at this to determine if the Select Board has authority to put a temporary freeze on these funds and he cannot find anything that says a department head can spend the money without the approval of the Select Board, and asked if it is somewhere to please let him know. He went on to say that passing a warrant article authorizes that the money be spent, but the Select Board decides when, where and how. He reiterated everything is to do with where the town stands financially for the next period of time – probably 24 months. Selectman Moroney asked where he got the information about the county taxes being increased and he said he had read it in the paper. Discussion took place that the amount is set and taken care of in the fall. But he spoke of the budget being 12% higher and a possible increase in Medicare and he wants to plan now for where we are and may be in the fall. Chairman Catalano repeated he is concerned about abatements and hopes to be able to see what these may be. He believes being proactive and forward thinking with the budget is good management and will try to work some of this out for the next meeting.

Ben Jellison said he is listening and wants to understand what he is trying to do and asked Chairman Catalano to explain how spending from the special revenue funds will affect the town budget, it’s money already there. Chairman Catalano replied it has to do with long view planning and compared it to putting money in a savings account for a new car, but when a lost job or other unexpected emergency comes up, the money is there, even though it was originally for something else. Mr. Jellison said these savings accounts are not there for general use, they are for limited purposes and asked again how it affects the tax rate. Mr. Catalano spoke of doing anything to avoid a deficit even if it is by re-appropriating funds. Mr. Jellison asked if they can change the purpose of the so-called savings account. Chairman Catalano said it is not his mission, goal or interest, but there are processes in place or to put in place to make sure they does not get into a budget deficit. He believes it is the Board’s responsibility to understand the financial impact. Donna Foster said the analogy was made with a savings account for a new car and then losing a job. She cautioned there are things that must be considered before using the money for something else, such as the age of the old car, and the importance of having one to get around for work. There is also what additional costs might be and maybe one can’t wait a long time, such as until fall, to determine these before buying the “new car.” Marc Brodeur said he has been a member of the Fire Department since 1988 and during that time the special revenue fund has saved taxpayers big money. If they decide to spend the money other ways, then two capital reserve funds will have to be increased substantially. Chairman Catalano reiterated he does not want to re-appropriate special revenue money.

As there was no further business, Chairman Catalano asked the Secretary to poll the Board to go into non-public session. She asked Selectman Moroney who said yes, Chairman Catalano who said yes, and Selectman Dowling who said yes. Chairman Catalano declared a unanimous vote to go into non-public for matters at 8:00 p.m.

At the close of Non-Public Session, Chairman Catalano moved to return to Public Session and seal the minutes from Non-Public Session. Selectman Moroney seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

There being no further discussion, Chairman Catalano made a Motion to: adjourn the meeting. Selectman Moroney seconded and the Motion passed unanimously. Chairman Catalano declared the meeting ended at 8:20 p.m. The next meeting will be Monday, April 11, 2011.