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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes of 08/24/2009

August 31st, 2009

Carroll Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
August 24, 2009

"These minutes of the Town of Carroll Select Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions and corrections by the Select Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2."

Minutes recorded by Maryclare Quigley, Secretary

Board members present: Chris Hancock, Bonnie Moroney, Ken Mills.

The meeting was called to order at 7:03 PM by Chairman Hancock.

Members of the public present: Carmine Fabrizio, Mike Gooden, Roberta McGee, Bill Dowling, Tadd Bailey, Dan Walker, Bill Smalley, Jeff Duncan, Chuck Jellison, John Trammell, Bill Rines, Kelly Trammell, Ben Jellison, Leslie Bergum, Lori Hogan

Pledge of Allegiance

The board announced the approval of bills and signing of checks.

Chairman Hancock made a Motion to: Accept the minutes for August 10, 2009 as written. Selectman Moroney seconded and the Motion passed by two votes. Selectman Mills abstained as he was not present at the meeting.

Stan Borkowski’s report was received and posted.

The following items were approved and signed:

Contract with Cartographic Associates, Inc.
Certificate of Acceptance for the 2009 Fire Engine
Property Tax Interest Abatement – Catalano
Application for annual Payment of State Grant – Water Department
Intent to Excavate, Map 206, Lot 10 – Rines

Chairman Hancock read a letter addressed to William Rines from the Selectmen regarding the excavation project he has undertaken. The letter advised Mr. Rines that he is in violation but will be allowed to do the work until November 30, 2009. At that time he is to either have all work and trucking completed, or go to the ZBA for a variance to be in compliance. Starting December 1, 2009, he will be fined $275 per day if any work is being performed. He asked what brought this about and was told that there had been conflicting information for some time, as well as difficulty locating materials and interpreting minutes, which resulted in differing ideas by the attorneys. The Board decided as this has been going on for such a long time, resolution was needed and as they could, they felt this was the best way to solve the situation. They advised Mr. Rines to do everything he could or needed to so he could accomplish his goals by the required date, November 30. Chairman Hancock made a Motion that: the Select Board sign the letter. Selectman Moroney seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

When asked, it was stated the Intent to Excavate was limited to November 30, 2009, and that the Intent was made out for 20,000 cubic yards. It was reiterated that Mr. Rines could be open for business until November 30, 2009. When asked about a bond, Mr. Rines stated that he still had one for $15,000 from his original project. Joan Karpf explained the difference between the rural zone and the residential/business zone and requirements, including a special exception for the rural zone and a variance for the r/s zone, and if this is for DOT, no permit is needed, but approval from the Planning Board for reclamation and site plans would be. As previously noted, the Intent to Excavate was signed. It was asked who the monitor is, and the Board responded they believed it is Stan. Evan Karpf asked, as a point of information, if he would be expected to follow the town’s ordinance and rules, which the Board responded he would be.

Chuck Jellison who had requested to be on the agenda, said he was looking for an answer as to the timing of the excavation and he had received it, during the previous discussions with November 30, being the deadline given by the Selectmen.

Next were Becki Pederson and Kelly Trammell regarding water meters. They are at the point where they know how to run some of the program. However, as there are still some hang-ups, they are looking for permission to go out to read, which they will do after 3 p.m., when the Town Clerk’s office is closed. They’ve learned that reading from the meters versus from the touch pads differs and they need to distinguish which is correct. This read plus a reading that will be done in October will be used for setting the rate. Ms. Pederson said they are closer than ever before to getting started on using the meter system for billing. The Board agreed to the plan and also to their using the small white Highway truck for the readings. Bill Rines said he would have it ready for them.

Budget Presentations followed with the Treasurer’s being first. Unfortunately, Sue Kraabel had hurt her back and was unable to be in attendance, but she sent her proposed budget in:

Mileage $ 750 (actual 2009, $739.20, so the Board believed it should increase slightly)
Salary 4,158 (the same as 2009 and 2008)
Training 100

Total $5,000

Ben Jellison was next with the Proposed Moderator Budget (with comparison to 2009):

2010 2009
Supervisors Sittings $ 250 $ 250
Town Meeting Supervisors 1 1
Supervisor Elections 300 150
Moderator 300 300
Supervisors Expenses 150 100
Advertisements 300 300
Moderator Expenses 500 500
Moderator Training/Travel 250 250
Elections Training 250 250
Ballot Clerks 1,500 750

Totals $3,801 2,851

Mr. Jellison explained amounts remained the same as previously, with no pay increases, but because there will be more elections this year, supervisors and ballot clerks will be putting in more time.

Tom Gately was not available for the Budget Committee, but will come in at a later time.

Lori Hogan, Chairman of the Recreation Committee presented their proposed budget:

Rec Area Counselors $19,615
“ “ Telephone 600
Equipment & Supplies 1
Parties 1
Ski Program 1,000
Rec Field/Court Repair 1,000
Building Repair 200
Transportation 2,000
Staff Training 2,000

Total $26,417

Mrs. Hogan pointed out that it is the same budget as that for 2009, again with no salary increases. She explained the bus cost for the ski program is split with Whitefield, so this is half the full price. Other items pointed out were the basketball court must be sealed; soap dispensers for the bathrooms, painting the boys bathroom, and trash bins are needed; and CPR and Water Evacuation classes and one Lifeguard Certification costs; other lines are self explanatory.

Bill Dowling, Transfer Station Supervisor, was the next presenter. First, he advised that there had been a State inspection the week before and they were very pleased with the facility and the operation – that rules and regulations were strictly adhered to. He said they did very well! Mr. Dowling also explained that he had received information on construction debris and that none will be allowed in the burn pile/brush pile effective January 1, 2010.

Recycle Supervisor 29,238 Same as 2009
Recycle Attendant 11,982 “ “ “
Recycle Salaries 4,795 “ “ “
Recycle Licenses 150 “ “ “ (for 3)
Training 750 “ “ “
Telephone 1,000 (may be adjusted when the cable is in & price
Recycle MSW Haul 4,059 (cur. 122.21/ton; last yr. 170/ton)
Tires 700 (rent on container)
Tipping Fees 18,597.75 Garbage, tonnage is increasing in Carroll --
Not good
Site Work 500 Area working on prev. – will be glass and
compost eventually
Equipment Purchase 2,500 Baling wire, etc.
Equip Repair & Maint. 684 Bobcat maint.
LP Gas 200 Lawn mower, weed whacker
Electricity 5,700 Includes $375/mo construction costs
Association Dues 50
Container Lease 2,000 Increase 5% (’09 a bit short)
Supplies 500 Handsoap, sanitizers, etc.
Miscellaneous 800 (’09 flagpole, flag)

Total $84,205.75

Mr. Dowling noted that his budget is $8,531.70 lower than 2009. He also advised that he will be putting an article in for a glass crusher and that amount will come out of special revenue fund. Discussion of pay-per-bag came up and Mr. Dowling said it had been talked about previously. He said the cost of the bags would come out of the special revenue fund and when they’re sold, the money will go back into the same fund. A brief discussion ensued of the process and Mr. Dowling said the Selectmen can establish it and it wouldn’t have to go to a public vote. Selectman Moroney said she felt it would be better to go back to the voters since it had come up before and been voted down.

Dan Walker was next with the proposed budget for Emergency Management. He said since this is his first budget season, he will keep it the same as in 2009, but he will add $1 to the Assistant Director line to keep it open:

Director Salary $ 300
Asst. Director Salary 1
EM Training 500
EM Radio 300
EM Emergency Center 500

Total $1,601

Mr. Walker asked how grant money might be accepted. He was advised that there had been an article previously voted in that Selectmen can accept money on behalf of the Town. It was explained that this money goes into the general fund unless there is something set up specifically with a line item so it may be used. This will be looked into so if grant money becomes available, they might have access to it.

Evan Karpf followed with the Health Officer budget:

Travel $ 350
Education/Training 100
Supplies 75
Welfare 15,000
Salary 1
Public Education 100
Total $15,626
Dr. Karpf said it’s basically the same, though he did increase the Travel line because of gas prices. He noted he pays a portion for education himself to help keep costs down. There has been a line called “Budget” which he wasn’t really sure what it was for, so he suggested it be called “Public Education” as he likes to use it for flyers, etc. that he can put out for awareness and so forth. He also reiterated that he goes to conferences and workshops, unless they are mundane or not pertinent to our area, as he doesn’t want to waste the money. The Salary line has $1 to keep it open as Dr. Karpf does not take a salary. The Selectmen thanked him for his efforts and generosity.

Dr. Karpf then went on with the Planning Board budget:

Secretary $ 3,000.00
Legal 2,000.00
North Country Council 2,032.47
Registration Fees 100.00
Advertising 500.00
Salaries 1,000.00
Postage 300.00
Office Supplies 100.00
Miscellaneous 100.00
Travel 200.00
Education 1,000.00
Code Enforcement 3,000.00
Engineering 5,000.00
Maps 500.00
Good &Welfare 100.00
Master Plan 1,000.00
Circuit Rider Expenses 1.00

Total $ 20,433.47

Dr. Karpf said it was very difficult to do the budget not knowing what is actually going to happen. Last year’s was based on the fact that there was to be a lot going on in Bretton Woods, which didn’t actually come to fruition. This year’s has been reduced based on current activity. Dr. Karpf said the Master Plan still needs to be done. It is way behind, but he needs help to work on it. He also noted that the regulations are being reviewed and will be sent to Town Counsel for approval at some point. The overall budget was reduced by $11,500 this year.

Under Other Business, the Secretary brought forth from John Birknes, Chairman of the Planning Board, the nomination of Charlie Cohn and Connie Oliver, for another term each on the Board. Selectman Moroney made a Motion to: Approve the nomination of Charlie Cohn and Connie Oliver to the Planning Board. Chairman Hancock seconded, and the Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Cohn and Ms. Oliver will be asked to see the Town Clerk to be sworn in.

Bill Dowling wanted to remind people that the bees have moved into the Transfer Station – and to be careful when coming!

As there was no further business, Chairman Hancock declared the meeting ended at 8:25 p.m. and moved to go into Non-Public Session for legal matters and town aid. The Board was polled and went into Non-Public Session.

At the close of Non-Public Session, Chairman Hancock moved to return to public session and seal the minutes from Non-Public Session. Selectman Moroney seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

Selectman Moroney asked if there had been any progress with oil prices. The Secretary said she had spoken with Our Town Energy a number of times since March, and was told this week that if we were going to join, it should have been in January. However, they looked into prices and said the best they could most likely do, would be in the vicinity of $2.50, $2.60, or $2.70 per gallon. They had spoken of “rack plus”, but could not give a number and about the option to prebuy. LGC recommended against entering a prebuy situation. It becomes very complicated for any number of reasons, not the least of which is that it falls in two budget years. For comparison we spoke with Stiles Fuel, and they were able to quote a lock-in price of $2.399. They were reluctant to advise us to hold off, as they had last year. This year seems to be much more volatile and any major storms or further mid-East troubles would push the price way up. Selectman Moroney made a Motion to: lock-in with Stiles Fuel for $2.399. Chairman Hancock seconded, and the Motion passed unanimously.

There being no further discussion, Chairman Hancock made a Motion to: adjourn the meeting. Selectman Moroney seconded and the Motion passed unanimously. Chairman Hancock declared the meeting ended at 9:07 p.m. The next meeting will be next week, Monday, August 31, due to the Labor Day Holiday, September 7.