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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes of 07/30/2007

August 3rd, 2007

Carroll Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
July 30, 2007
"These minutes of the Town of Carroll Select Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions and corrections by the Select Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2."

Minutes recorded by Susan Kraabel, Secretary

Board members present: Bonnie Moroney, Allen Strasser

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM.

Members of the public present: Roberta McGee, Eleanor Brauns, Carmine Fabrizio, Ann Fabrizio, John Burt, Mike Gooden, Jeff Duncan, Bill Dowling, Linda Dowling, Tadd Bailey, Mac McQueeney, Tom Gately

Pledge of Allegiance

The board announced the approval of bills and signing of checks.

Chairman Moroney moved to accept the minutes of the July 23, 2007 meeting as written. Selectman Strasser seconded and the motion was passed unanimously.

Stan Borkowski’s report is posted on the bulletin board.

Bill Dowling came before the board to talk about the old landfill. He presented an area map and tax map of the property, showing locations of the monitoring wells and groundwater contours in relation to the landfill no longer in use. Slides of the area showed monitoring well sites that were overgrown, some with downed trees. Provan & Lorber, the engineers doing the monitoring, do not have good access. Mr. Dowling emphasized the need to clear well sites and to notify residents to route the snowmobile trail around them. Under current state regulations, the landfill has been monitored for 22 years, and will be for another 8 years. Mr. Dowling explained that downed trees and the dense brush could easily cause ponding. When the waste settles, and ponding occurs, the water that percolates down, following the land contour, takes the waste with it. He pointed out the new development nearby that is not served by town water, but by private wells. He also said the regulations could change by 2015, and our lack of maintenance could cause big problems. In 1994, the cost to cap a landfill was $100,000 per acre, and it could be substantially higher if we were forced to do it in the future. Some areas can be mowed, others need to be chain sawed to a level where they can be mowed. It was felt that we need to hire someone with a brush hog. Mr. Dowling stated we have a capital reserve fund for the landfill closure costs, and this could be used to pay for the maintenance. Selectman Strasser moved to have the clearing done, Chairman Moroney seconded and the motion was passed unanimously. Mr. Dowling will contact Sean Moran and others to obtain prices. Selectman Strasser asked about access to the industrial park, and was told it is through the new transfer station.

The subject of releasing the letter of credit received from Ken Elworthy when he subdivided land on Rte. 3 South was next. The NH Dept. of Environmental Services has stated they have no issues with the work he’s done. He has completed the water lines, and the roads are in. However, the Road Agent said he has not completed work on the shoulders and in addition to the fact that they don’t meet town specs, he’s concerned about anyone who plows them, as there is a significant drop-off in places. Jeff Duncan asked who will plow them since the homes have not been sold. Mr. Elworthy has indicated he’s aware he’s responsible for them. Selectman Strasser suggested we contact Mr. Elworthy, and make arrangements for the town to hold back $8,000 to $10,000 to insure the necessary work is completed before winter.

Chairman Moroney said she’d received an agreement from Hoyle, Tanner pertaining to the bridge replacement, and there is an inconsistency in the numbers quoted. There will be a meeting of the committee to discuss this.

The secretary reported that all the fulltime employees who are supposed to take the NIMS classes have either completed them or have just one left. Both selectmen present said they’d finished but had not printed the certificates yet.

Chairman Moroney reported that the Building Committee had not accomplished much at their last meeting. John Gardiner has gone to view the two properties offered in Bretton Woods for a fire station, and another meeting is scheduled for August 10th. Selectman Strasser said he’d spoken with Matt Dieterich regarding the two pieces of land offered to the town, and Matt said they would rather we take the larger piece of land that is closer to Twin Mountain. They have possible use for the piece closest to the sewage treatment plant, and in addition, it is a long narrow piece with not much depth to it. The one with the building on it is a better piece of land and has two access points on it. Chairman Moroney said when Chief Gardiner met with the state, they said there was not direct access to this property. Selectman Strasser pointed on the map where he thought access is. Chief Duncan said he was with Chief Gardiner when they looked at the properties, and they’d picked the one closer to the sewer treatment plant only because the land is higher, and they’re concerned about water issues on the land closer to Twin Mountain. The river is right behind it. Selectman Strasser didn’t think there should be a problem with water, and said that it’s a larger piece of land—2.7 acres as opposed to a little over an acre on the other one. He also said all of the resort trash will eventually be put by the sewage treatment plant. He suggested people go see Matt Dieterich now, while they’re doing all the planning. He could answer all the committee’s questions in less than a half hour. Selectman Strasser again listed the timing of this offer. All we have to do now is say we want the property for a sub-station. When we decide to build, they will deed it to us within 90 days, and if we then don’t build in 3 years, we have to deed the land back to the resort.

We have not heard from the attorney regarding the Chamberlain property.

The secretary asked if Mr. Dieterich and Mark Fuller should be asked to attend the water commissioners’ meeting on August 6th, as suggested in a December 2006 meeting. Selectman Strasser said since there will be no payments to the Rosebrook Water Co., he felt it was unnecessary.

The town has purchased the domain name for a period of 10 years for $149.95. Chairman Moroney said Veronica Francis will call regarding linking two websites.

The following items were approved and signed.

MS-1 Extension until November 1, 2007
Water Warrant – Flumerfelt

Carmine Fabrizio suggested the “Local Police” page of our website be updated with a new photo. Tadd Bailey said he could provide some digital photos to the secretary.

Chief Duncan asked if the selectmen would approve applying to the state for two fuel cards. North Country Emergency Response has a team that can be requested by any mutual aid dispatch that can go anywhere in the state. The most recent one involved the floods in southern NH. What happens is that people coming from up here end up using their own money to get fuel down south. In cases like these the task force meets in Twin Mountain, so the two cards would be kept in the fire station. North Pack Dispatch would get the bills for the fuel. Selectman Strasser moved to approve the fuel cards. Chairman Moroney seconded, and the motion was passed unanimously.

Ann Fabrizio asked about the sweeper she’d seen parked at the fire station. She asked if it belongs to the town and if they are planning to sweep the streets. The sweeper does not work properly, as some piece was taken off years ago by the former road agent. The selectmen will ask Mr. Rines to find out the cost of repair.

At 7:48 PM, as there was no additional business, Chairman Moroney declared the meeting ended, and moved to go into executive session regarding legal and personnel matters. This was seconded by Selectman Strasser. The board was polled, and went into executive session.

At the close of executive session, Chairman Moroney made a motion to return to public session and seal the minutes from executive session; Selectman Strasser seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Action Items:

NIMS Training Progress
Response letter to Bretton Woods land offer
Public Hearing to spend unanticipated revenue – August 20
Property tax exemptions – increase limits
Industrial Park land use - CEDC
Term Limits for Planning & Zoning
Fix sign on town hall
Chamberlain property
Water Commission meeting – August 6
Protected sign for Building Permit Posting
Local ordinances
Sweeper repair