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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes of 04/23/2007

April 27th, 2007

Carroll Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
April 23, 2007
"These minutes of the Town of Carroll Select Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions and corrections by the Select Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2."

Minutes recorded by Susan Kraabel, Secretary.

Board members present: Bonnie Moroney, Allen Strasser, Rena Vecchio
The meeting was called to order at 7:13 PM.

Members of the public present: Roberta McGee, Mike Gooden, Tom Gately, John Trammell, Bill Smalley, Jeff Duncan, John Burt, Eleanor Brauns, Dale Shakespeare, Doug Bews, Ann Fabrizio, Carmine Fabrizio, Lori Hogan

The board announced the approval of bills and signing of checks.

Chairman Moroney moved to approve the minutes of 04/02/2007. Selectman Strasser seconded the motion, and it was passed by the two members who had attended the meeting.

Chairman Moroney moved to approve the minutes of 04/09/2007. Selectman Vecchio seconded the motion, and it was passed by the two members who had attended the meeting.

A memo from Stan Borkowski was read by Chairman Moroney. In it he stated his opinion that the police department should be relocated as soon as possible. Among other things, water has leaked into the electrical panel and the breakers are probably corroding.

Lori Hogan came to discuss the swim platform at the rec area. They are following recommendations made last summer by the town insurance company, and have removed the old raft. As recommended, rather than have the rec program participants build a new floating dock, they will purchase one, and want permission to solicit funds from local organizations. It’s estimated the cost will be $1,500, it will need to be stored for winter, and will be anchored towards the beach end of the pond out near the middle. Ms. Hogan will speak to Billy Rines about storage. Selectman Strasser moved to delete the provision from last year’s dock approval that say’s the rec program participants must raise the funds themselves, as long as they’re following the insurance company’s recommendations. Chairman Moroney seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.

Chairman Moroney read the proposal from Ms. Hogan as to renting the Route 3 South garage to the town for a temporary police station. The term would be May 1, 2007 – April 30, 2008, rent to be $1,250 per month if quarterly payments are received on or before the 1st of each quarter. Deposit of $1,450 to be held by the landlord. All costs including heat, propane, electric, water, landscaping, snowplowing, taxes, insurance, security, telephone, signage will be the responsibility of the tenant. Any improvements must be approved by the landlord and will be temporary in nature. When questioned about the tenant paying the taxes, Ms. Hogan stated this was common in business rental situations. Roberta McGee asked about other options. Chairman Moroney said the building committee looked at Fun Towne and Jim Drummond’s white house on Rte. 3 South for purchase, and at renting a trailer to be put on town land. The trailer option would have to include putting in septic and a water line. John Trammell said the Hogan garage appears to be a good building, and will give the town time to look for a permanent solution. Chairman Moroney said the benefits package budgeted for the 2nd firefighter would cover the rent with a little left over for start up costs. Sgt. Smalley asked if there would be further discounting on the rent if we paid for the whole year in advance. The answer was no.

Selectman Vecchio asked if the selectmen couldn’t have an agenda by Friday afternoon so they could think about things like this that would come up and ask questions before the meetings. She wants to make an educated decision rather than have something presented at the meeting and be forced to vote a few minutes later. The secretary asked that they establish a policy with a deadline, as many items are usually added after the original agenda is posted on Friday. Chairman Moroney moved to set a deadline of 3 pm. Thursday for anything to be placed on the agenda for a Monday meeting. Selectman Strasser seconded, and the motion was passed unanimously. Anyone can come to a meeting and at the end of scheduled items, speak to an issue, but there will not necessarily be a vote taken on such matters that night.

Selectman Strasser moved to sign the lease for the Police Station at Hogan’s garage. Chairman Moroney seconded, and the motion was passed unanimously. Ms. McGee asked if the police would be ready to move in 1 year, and Chairman Moroney explained that the building committee will try to put together costs of a new building on town land. In conversations with Officer Brown, she’s learned that our current facility is not in compliance with state standards, and the state is paying more attention to small towns these days. There’s also the probability that our increased police activity will bring further watch. The committee plans to put proposals together by next March with costs for each taxpayer. Data shows the need for a larger facility and we’ll make people understand what they’re voting for. Tom Gately suggested a special edition of the newsletter telling people exactly what’s been decided, and Carmine Fabrizio said people have to be educated about the need for emergency services facilities. Chairman Moroney agreed to work on this right away.

The secretary reported we’d received the insurance check for damage to the police station. After the $1,000 deductible, the amount received was $17,159.60.

The following documents were approved and signed.

Water Warrant for hookups and water turn on – Hall, Palmer, Munroe, Trammell
Excavation Tax Warrant – Pike Industries
Driveway Permits – Gentile, Cedrone
Oath of Office – Pederson (was sworn in March 2006; paperwork never completed)
Permit to close School Street on 06/02/04 – Covey (Chamber VW Rally) Permission granted, but the road cannot be blocked such that emergency vehicles could not pass.
Discharge Elderly & Disabled Tax Deferral – Barnby & Benoit (correct format for registry)

At the last meeting it was suggested that speed bumps be put in on Parker Road Extension, as the current signage has not slowed down many drivers. The Local Government Center attorneys were consulted, and they advised we could not install speed bumps on a public road. They advised random police patrols and a flashing sign that indicates motorist speed.

A letter from the Town of Bethlehem in response to our request to eliminate taxation of the property where our water tank sits was read by Chairman Moroney. They have denied the request, and will continue to send tax bills.

Discussion took place about the two trailers on John D’Urso’s Little River Road property. Two letters from November 2004 were read, as well as a January 2005 memo from Stan Borkowski. One of the letters from the selectmen to Mr. D’Urso stated he had 30 days to remove the old trailer from the property. The other letter from Mr. D’Urso stated he thought he had 30 days from after the occupancy permit was issued to remove the old unit, and he’d not been issued a CO yet. Mr. Borkowski’s memo indicates that Mr. D’Urso wants to leave the old unit on the property, and that this would be a matter for the Zoning Board of Adjustment. A Certificate of Occupancy for the new trailer was issued on January 17, 2005. The selectmen would like another letter sent to Mr. D’Urso stating he must move the old trailer within 30 days.

Town counsel has prepared a deed for the land transfer to John and Donna Foster. Discussion will take place next week after everyone, including John Foster, has had a chance to review it.

John Trammell presented an Emergency Registration Form he’d come up with to get information to be used in times of emergency such as we experienced last week after the storm. We have a number of residents who live alone, or need special medication, and having this information, and permission to forcibly enter a home if needed, could be valuable in an emergency. This registration program is strictly voluntary, and blank forms will be in the town hall.

The secretary reported that Don Penland of the LGC Property Liability Trust has processed the paperwork for restitution ($117,255.38) in the Louise Staples case. There may be a form to be signed before the check can be sent, but it is not a release form. In the event the town can prove additional funds were taken, accepting this check does not mean no additional funds can be paid by the insurance company. There will be one $1,000 deductible applied to the above payment amount.

A letter from Bryant Burns requesting a tax abatement on 2001 taxes was read. Mr. Burns owns two Rosebrook Club units, #303 and #302. He received a tax bill on #303, and applied for and received an abatement, as the property had been valued as if it were complete, when in actuality it was only 50% complete. According to Mr. Burns, he never received a bill for #302, was not aware he owed taxes until late 2002 when at the time of refinancing, he discovered he had a tax lien on the property. Once again the 2001 assessment was for full value, and not the 25% completion percentage at 1 April. He applied for an abatement, but Avitar would not consider it because he was too late. Mr. Burns said if he’d gotten a bill he would have applied at the same time as he did for the other unit. After being turned down by Avitar, Mr. Burns talked to the town office staff, who said they would try to do something for him, but that never happened. Becki Pederson talked to Mr. Burns today about settling for the same percentage as he received on unit #303, and he would be satisfied with that. An abatement of 50% amounts to $3,453.52. Chairman Moroney moved to authorize the abatement, Selectman Strasser seconded, and the motion was passed unanimously.

Chairman Moroney said she’d talked to Ed Daniels, and he suggested we have the police station inspected for mold problems by a professional. George Brodeur referred us to RPF Associates, someone they had used in the Littleton School District. He thought the cost of an inspection would be in the vicinity of $900. Chairman Moroney made a motion to contact these people, Selectman Strasser seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously.

Selectman Strasser had questions on the comp time proposal approved while he was away last week. His concern is that someone could build up time and then leave, leaving the town with a large liability for money owed that employee. Chief Trammell said he was aware of that concern, and is working on an updated proposal which will address issues such as that.

Mr. Gately suggested the building inspector contact Naturally New Hampshire about the floating construction debris as a result of last week’s storm. He and other nearby residents have been picking up insulation from their properties and have had to take it to the transfer station. Jeff Duncan will be talking to Mr. Borkowski on Tuesday and will mention it to him. The secretary will also send an email to him tonight.

Chairman Moroney said she’d received an email from a concerned taxpayer and wanted to address his questions. He first wanted to know about the comp time policy approved on April 9th. Chairman Moroney explained that with the increased police activity and number of after hours calls, the men have worked far more overtime than in the past, and the proposal was to offer compensatory time off instead of using up all the overtime in the first half of the year. In response to his question about buying a highway pickup truck when the voters voted down the dump truck, Chairman Moroney explained that it was purchased from state surplus for $2450, and will be far more economical than putting extra miles on the two large dump trucks. She also stated that we are currently working on the lease for the garage mentioned by the taxpayer as an option for the police station. It was stated that the Hogans were not interested in selling this property.

Chief Duncan asked to clarify who is going to contact the owner of the property behind the fire station. He didn’t want to duplicate the effort. In the end, Chief Duncan will seek permission to do some clearing and grading to alleviate drainage problems behind the station. Selectman Strasser moved to approve 20 hours of excavation by Butch Garneau if permission is gained from the abutter. Chairman Moroney seconded, and the motion was passed unanimously. Chairman Moroney asked Chief Duncan to mention the possibility of selling a piece of the abutting property to the town.

Chief Trammell wanted to make people aware of happenings related to the storm last week. Because we traded the Intrepid and don’t have the new cruiser (it was temporarily lost in transit), they are operating on one town vehicle. Sgt. Smalley and Officer Brown were called in to assist in the storm, the Tahoe broke down, and Sgt. Smalley spent 7 hours getting it back in service. Chief Trammell feels the officers deserve a word of thanks for coming to the town’s assistance, even though it meant leaving their families in the midst of the storm. Chairman Moroney agreed and thanked both men.

At 8:25 PM, as there was no additional business, Chairman Moroney declared the meeting ended, and moved to go into executive session regarding legal matters and town aid. This was seconded by Selectman Vecchio. The board was polled, and went into executive session.

At the close of executive session, Chairman Moroney made a motion to return to public session and seal the minutes from executive session; Selectman Vecchio seconded and the motion passed unanimously.