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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes of 11/21/2016

November 28th, 2016

Carroll Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
November 21, 2016

“These minutes of the Town of Carroll Select board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions and corrections by the Select Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2.”

Minutes recorded by Kelly Trammell, Secretary Pro Tem

Board members present: Paul Bussiere, Brian Mycko, David Scalley

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Bussiere.

Members of the public present: Mike Gooden, Jeremy Oleson, Brad Houston, Michael Hogan, Dianne Hogan

Pledge of Allegiance

The Board announced the approval of bills and signing of manifests.

Chairman Bussiere made a Motion to: Approve the minutes of 11/1//2016 as written. Selectman Mycko seconded. Selectman Scalley abstained as he was not present at that meeting. Motion passed.

Chairman Bussiere made a Motion to: Approve the minutes of 11/7/2016 as written. Selectman Mycko seconded. Selectman Scalley abstained as he was not at that meeting. Motion passed.

Fire Chief Oleson did a presentation of his fire and ambulance budgets. The Chief stated that the Selectmen had asked for a survey of the area salaries which he did and then brought it down some. The total salary is split between fire and ambulance. The firefighter position has a cost of living increase. That position’s salary was brought to the appropriate level last year. Chief Oleson said he compared the salary of Littleton, Whitefield, Bethlehem and Gorham. He also stated that the National average is $73,000 for a Chief’s position.

There is an increase to the EMT/firefighter line of $5000. Chief Oleson said he would like to start paying the hourly rate based on certification level versus the flat rate that everyone is currently paid.

Brad Houston presented the ambulance portion of the budge and said there is an increase in the medical supply line. They’d like to purchase a titanium stokes basket which is much lighter than what they currently have. It is used to carry victims out off hiking trails, down embankments, etc. Chief Oleson said there has been an increase in carry-outs from people on the trail systems. We currently get $5000 from the County to compensate for our coverage in unincorporated areas. If the increase in calls continues, we will be asking the County for more money.

Brad said there is an increase in the Defib Supplies line. That increase is the cost of one battery for one of the units. There is also an increase to the clothing line. This is to purchase more hats, shirts, uniform type clothing for members as they haven’t done so in awhile.

Chief Oleson switched to the fire budget. He said the overtime budget needs to be increased as calls for services are increasing and the budget is already over this year. He said the increase in the Equipment Purchase line is the other half reflecting the purchase of the titanium Stokes basket as well as some straps. The FD vehicle repair line also needs to be increased. The line is over for 2016 so should be increased for 2017. There is an increase to the FD protective clothing line to purchase new turnout gear, boots, etc. They need to be replaced after 10 years. Some of it has to be replaced and some has to be purchased for new members.

Warrant articles were brought up next: conducting transports; purchase of rope rescue equipment from the Special Revenue Fund; purchase ATV from Special Revenue fund; purchase vehicle stabilization equipment. All money in the warrant articles is to come from the Special Revenue Fund established for that purpose.

Chief Oleson said the ATV would be set up for year round use and it’s much safer to use the Town’s instead of someone else’s ATV or snowmobile. There’s an issue of liability. He said they are looking at the possibility of a fundraiser to offset the cost and might not have to take so much money out of the Special Revenue Fund. The stabilization equipment is what is used to stabilize and secure a vehicle after an accident in order to safely extract patients, etc. so it won’t tip over on them. Several members of the department are rope rescue certified and have achieved higher levels in the certification. This would allow the department to purchase additional equipment for that purpose. The ambulance transfer didn’t happen this year as thought. Other ambulance companies have locked themselves in and are getting the calls. The department is going to try to work our way in to get called as well.

There was a brief discussion of the amount of funds in the Capital Reserve Accounts and Special Revenue Funds that pertain to fire and ambulance.

Selectmen Mycko made a motion to accept the warrant articles and seconded by Selectman Scalley. All were in favor.

The Selectmen then voted whether or not to recommend the articles:
Transfer warrant – 3 ayes
Stabilization equipment – 3 ayes
Ropes equipment – 3 ayes
ATV purchase – 3 ayes

Selectman Scalley stated he was recently picked up by the Twin Mountain Fire Department because of his injury and the hospital staff spoke highly of the Department and the level of care now with the nitrous oxide. Not all the Towns have done that. Selectmen Scalley thanked the Department. Chief Oleson replied that he wanted to thank the taxpayers for supporting them and allowing them to keep up with the care level.

Michael Hogan was next to revise the Parks & Rec. budget. The line for ski program is for bussing. That line needs to be $1000 as it’s over budget for 2016. The director line needs to go back to $1000. It was brought to $1 after Megan resigned but the thought is maybe someone else will take the position. The phone line and training line were going to be paid by the revolving fund. After talking to Maryclare, they really should be paid by the budget. Phone is $400 and staff training $300.

For 2018, they are looking at separating the buses in the budget where the ski program takes care of its own buses and then the other transportation will show separately.

Rec. has applied for a grant to build a pavilion 60 x 40 open structure with picnic tables. The Town has to match the difference. It is estimated that it will cost $15,000 to construct so the grant would be for $7,500. Mike said they are thinking of putting in a warrant article that would allow them to cover the match if they get the grant. It was suggested to Mike Hogan that a line be added to the budget for $1.00 so they’ll be able to accept and spend the grant money if everything passes.

Chairman Bussiere brought up a warrant article authorizing withdrawal of money from the Planning Special Revenue Fund to fund the code enforcement officer salary. A discussion took place on how much should be funded as the Board still is unsure of how many hours the Code Enforcement position should be as well as who would be doing it. Selectman Scalley questioned why there is $500 in the Planning Board budget for Code Enforcement Officer. It doesn’t get spent for that purpose. The conversation was tabled to find out how much money is actually in the Planning Special Revenue Fund.

Additional warrant articles were read to fund various capital reserve accounts. Selectman Mycko made a motion to accept and Selectman Scalley seconded. The motion passed.

The Selectmen then voted whether or not to recommend the articles:
Property Revaluation Capital Reserve Fund – 3 ayes
Road Improvement Capital Reserve Fund – 3 ayes
New Land & Buildings Capital Reserve Fund – 3 ayes
Police Cruiser Capital Reserve Fund – 3 ayes
Municipal Truck Capital Reserve Fund – 3 ayes
Landfill Closure Capital Reserve Fund – 3 ayes
Highway Equipment Capital Reserve Fund – 3 ayes
Computer Technology Capital Reserve Fund- 3 ayes
Library Improvement Capital Reserve Fund – 3 ayes

The following were approved and signed:
Second Issue Property Warrant
Pilot Agreement Warrant
Certificate of Occupancy – Doyon, 2 ayes – Selectman Mycko abstained
Certificate of Occupancy – Muise
Intent to Cut – Timberwolf logging
Water Warrant – Shearer, Keziah

The Conservation Easement Monitoring report was reviewed.

Sign permit for Nirali LLC (Foster’s Crossroads) was reviewed. There was discussion as to how our zoning ordinances applied to the new sign to be installed. It was tabled until the December 5 meeting in order to research the ordinance.

Follow-Up Items:

Report of Safety Issues to be Addressed – The report had been emailed to the board. Discussion again of alarm, lighting, flame resistant paint on all the wood paneling. Chief Oleson said he believes it will be about $85,000 minimal to get the building into compliance and address the furnace issue. The Selectmen asked if anyone knew what was going on with the Building Committee. Chief Oleson said the Building Committee is looking again at an all encompassing complex on Town Property.

Town Hall Assembly Permit -- Tied to Safety Report

Town Hall Permit Application – Tied to Safety Report

Water Policy Revision – In Process. Chairman Bussiere said they are meeting again on
Tuesday, November 22, 2016 at 9 a.m.

Employee Manual – A discussion of PTO time ensued. The Selectmen will be meeting with the Employees at a future date to continue to work on the matter.

Compensation for Employees not taking Health Insurance – Chairman Bussiere said they are awaiting some information and hopes to finalize by the next meeting.

Employee Medical Insurance 2017 - paperwork was reviewed.


Selectman Mycko said that in a previous meeting there was discussion of the Rec. Committee closing part of the parking lot at the Rec. Area for a new skating rink. He spoke with Harold Garneau from the Snowmobile Club. Harold said the lot has to be available for snowmobile parking because a grant had been accepted in the past and that was one of the stipulations.

Selectman Scalley said there was a request from a taxpayer as to how many kids attended Summer Camp from Town versus out of Town. There were 22 from Carroll, 14 from Whitefield, 6 from Jefferson and 2 from Dalton. Out of town children paid an additional $50/session. Selectman Scalley apologized for the delay.

There being no further discussion, Chairman Bussiere made a Motion to adjourn the meeting. Selectman Mycko seconded and the Motion passed unanimously. Chairman Bussiere declared the meeting ended at 10:10 p.m. The next meeting will be Monday, December 5, 2016.