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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes of 1/13/2016

January 18th, 2016

January 13, 2016
Members present: Mike Hogan, Rena Vecchio, Chris Pappas, Rob Gauthier, Joan Karpf, and Bonnie Moroney
Guests: John Trammell, Tadd Bailey, Jeremy Oleson, Greg Hogan, Dave Scalley (as Selectman for vote), Brian Mycka, Imre Szauter, Cindy Smith, Collee Sampson, Carol Cunningham, Bill Rines Michelle Palys, and Megan Rouillard.
Meeting brought to order by Chairman Hogan at 7PM.
Stand for Pledge of Allegiance
Mike asked if the committee had a chance to go over the minutes of Jan. 6, 2016 and were there any additions or corrections. Joan motioned to accept as written, Rena second and it was passed.
The meeting was opened by going over the budget that the committee had been working of for the 2016 budget year. It was mentioned that the budget committee lines had been missed. So it was addressed that 01.4150.10-806 Budget Committee Expenses would stay at $69.00, and 01-4150.10-807 Budget Committee Training and Mileage would stay at $360.00. Those amounts were added in and would be added to the total of the budget as well.
It was next brought up that there had been some discussion and questions about the Culture Budget as well. There were several members of the Town of Carroll Chamber in the audience so they were asked to again defend what they were asking for. It was asked what the money is going for and Carol explained that the majority of the money goes to manning the Information Booth. There were questions about how long it was open during the year, and how many made use of it. It was felt that this was like the center part of the town and it is a stopping place for people going through. It was said that by people stopping and seeing what was here, many have come back stayed and often times purchased property.
Rob said that he had made a motion to delete it down to $1.00 and it was not passed, and other discussions as well. Carol passed out the list saying what the Chamber does and that there are many hours of volunteer time working on painting the flower boxes, cleaning up, and helping with the town clean up, etc. They are trying to place new flags around town to prepare for the 250th Anniversary of the town. She brought up the room and meals money that is generated by the business and comes back to the town. There was some discussion about the fact that businesses are not needed for the town to receive money, it goes by population.
Carol said that most all of the surrounding towns helps and supports the Chambers in their towns, Bethlehem, Littleton, Franconia, she didn’t find any towns around that didn’t help. She said that some of the town’s information booths are supported by the state but not all. A lot of the people use the WIFI.
It was asked how many members the Chamber currently have, and they said 37 to 39 business members. The amounts of the dues varies according to the size of the business.
Rena said that we have always had a chamber and not sure how it has been supported, but the information booth is very important and agreed that it is the center of the town for anybody passing through. It is open in the summer when the summer attractions are open, most of the people in the winter are going to the ski areas or snowmobiling. It was asked what the chamber would do it they cut the amount in the budget. Carole said that they would have to close the information booth, if that is what the people want. The business have the internet to fall back on, so this would have to be decided by the voters.
Dave asked about the Kios and how much revenue came from that, Carol said that the Kios money is not the Chambers to use that is to be used for the Kios only.
Michelle, said that we need the Chamber and the information booth at it gets more people to want to stay in town and not drive through. We need more activity and to see things build up not go downhill.
Bonnie motioned to recommend the Culture budget of $11,400.00, Rena second and it passed with 5 yes and 2 no.
It was asked if there was any other areas of the budget that needed to be addressed. Nobody said anything. The new total with the budget committee added in is, $1,766,305.86. Bonnie said that we need to change the amount on the #2 warrant to $1,766,305.00, as they do not use cents on the budgets.
There was some discussion about the final amount and how is was different than what it had shown on the last meeting. Bonnie said that she was using the format that had been passed around a few years, and she apologized, but when she looked it over she found the total formula was not all correct, so she went over the formula and fixed them, giving the accurate total of the proposed budget.
The next part of the meeting was to go over two warrants that had not been voted on by the budget committee.
To raise and appropriate as on Operating Budget, not including appropriations by special warrant article and other appropriations voted separately, the amounts set forth on the budget posted with the Warrant or as amended by vote of the First Session, for the purposes set forth therein, totaling the sum of $1,766,305. (One Million Seven Hundred Sixty Six Thousand Three Hundred Five Dollars).
The Transfer Station/Recycling Center Budget will be offset by $20,000 from the Recycling Special Revenue Fund established in 2001.

Should this article be defeated: the operating budget shall be $1,671,483 (One Million Six Hundred Seventy One Thousand Four Hundred Eighty Three Dollars) which is the same as last year, with certain adjustments required by previous action of the Town or by law; or the governing body may hold one special meeting, in accordance with RSA 40:13, X and XVI, to take up the issue of a revised operating budget only.
The Transfer Station/Recycling Center Budget will be offset by $20,000 from the Recycling Special Revenue Fund established in 2001.
This entire Warrant was first voted on by the present Select board members.
Bonnie motioned to recommend and Dave second and it was passed with 2 yes.
Next the Budget Committee was asked to vote on this warrant. Mike motioned to recommend, Rena second, and it passed with 6 yes.
Next was #32 that the Budget Committee was asked to vote on, as the Select board had already done.
To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $500 (Five Hundred Dollars) to help support The Center of New Beginnings in Littleton, which provides counseling and mental health services to individuals throughout the North Country. The Center of New Beginnings provided services to 11 individual Carroll residents in 2015. By Petition. The Selectman recommend this 2 to 1.
Rob motioned to recommend, Judi second and it passed with 6 yes.
Bonnie explained the MS-DT 2016 that this was how the default budget was shown and broken down into the separate account areas. She also went on to explain that if the default budget is voted in, that things such as insurance or existing contracts would be added to the amount and this is by law. Rob asked what insurance and Bonnie said that any increases on the town’s insurance for coverage or the health insurance would be included in the increase as well.
Joan asked about Revenues and Bonnie said that we have them in from of us and if anybody had any questions about them. Joan asked if these were the Budget committee revenues and Bonnie said yes, but is it possible that later in the year, it is more accurate to what we end up receiving.
Mike motioned to recommend the revenues, Rena second and it was passed with 5 yes and 1 abstained.
Mike asked if there was anything else that the public had to address, nothing.
Bonnie motioned to adjourn, Chris second and it was passed at 8:20PM.