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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes of 10/7/2013 DRAFT

October 18th, 2013

Carroll Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
October 7, 2013
"These minutes of the Town of Carroll Select Board have been recorded by its Secretary.
Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions and corrections by the Select Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2."

Minutes recorded by Maryclare Quigley, Secretary

Board members present: Paul Bussiere, Bill Dowling, Bonnie Moroney

The meeting was called to order at 7 PM by Chairman Bussiere

Members of the public present: Joan Karpf, Frank Maturo, Judy Pappas, Chris Pappas, Jeremy Oleson, Greg Hogan, Scott Sonia

Pledge of Allegiance

The meeting was filmed by Joan Karpf.

The Board announced the approval of bills and signing of manifests.

Selectman Moroney said she had attended the meeting on September 23; it was the meeting before that she missed. She then made a Motion to: Accept the minutes of 9/232013 as amended. Selectman Dowling seconded and it passed unanimously.

Chairman Bussiere said there’s no change with the Water Department debt update. The Secretary said she will telephone the auditor and see if something can be set up.

Selectman Dowling said the email they voted on at the last meeting, to have the attorney attend the Planning Board meeting in October, should be attached. The Secretary said she will check on it.

The Board reviewed the proposed 2014 budgets to be taken to the Budget Committee. Chairman Bussiere said the ZBA numbers had changed and he will send them to the Secretary for inclusion. It was also noted when the wages are all completed they will be presented to the Budget Committee at that time. Selectman Moroney made a Motion to: Accept the Select Board budget other than the salary lines which will be adjusted from evaluations and changes for the insurance, salary related, etc., which will be adjusted when all received, as well as the ZBA lines to be adjusted. Selectman Dowling seconded and the Motion was approved unanimously.

Selectman Dowling spoke of the welfare guidelines. Selectman Moroney said she hadn’t received the book yet to read but said she would be fine to vote on it as recommended by the Board previously. Therefore, Selectman Dowling made a Motion to: Accept the Local Welfare Guidelines set by LGC and Selectman Moroney seconded. The Motion passed unanimously.

Chairman Bussiere said he had volunteered to check into the quotes previously received for computers in the Town Clerk’s office and the replacement of the server or joining the “Cloud.” He said surrounding towns including Whitefield, Lancaster and Littleton all use Certified Computer Solutions (CCS) for service and support and none are looking elsewhere – they are all very happy with the support, etc. He went on to say he had contacted a man with the State who said he might be able to save 10% on the cost, but the issue is support, etc., and you must look at this when making decisions. He concurred that the “Cloud” may not be secure enough yet, but Chairman Bussiere found out that CCS has a hosted server at their location, so it’s not really the “Cloud” so to speak; and they have their dedicated storage. Discussion of cost covering two systems, wiring, server and support took place. This would be about $12,775 with an on-site server, though the Chairman said Mike Lavelle at CCS told him he might be able to do it for $11,775. If using their hosted service, that part of the cost would be $6,025, and this is what Chairman Bussiere said he would recommend. Further discussion with cost comparisons for a server versus “the cloud” ensued and the Chairman said he would recheck the costs and savings. It was decided though in light of the age and condition of the current equipment, we must keep going on it, therefore, Selectman Moroney made a Motion to: Move forward with these including the hosted server at $6,025. Selectman Dowling seconded and the Motion passed unanimously. The Secretary said she would contact Mike Lavelle the next day to order all.

The following items were approved and signed:

Representation Letter – 2012 Audit
Water Warrant – 3rd Billing

The Selectmen’s Town Counsel Policy was brought forth with some minor changes by Attorney Whitelaw. Chairman Bussiere said this modifies access to Town Counsel from the Boards and allows them to assign a person, etc. to make contact. He recommended this be adopted. It was noted since this was written that the LGC no longer exists but is, in fact, the New Hampshire Municipal Association—NHMA so references to LGC should be changed. Selectman Dowling made a Motion to: Adopt the policy as presented this date with the changes from LGC to NHMA. Selectman Moroney seconded and it passed unanimously.


Selectman Dowling made a Motion to: Advise the lawyer to move forward on the Rines case. Chairman Bussiere asked for a second and as there was none said it would be tabled.

Selectman Moroney said she brought up last week about a fence or something around the train to avoid accidents and initially there was to be one. She read a comment from Jim Covey that said there wouldn’t actually be a fence but the Chamber would install something that would block access, shrubs, or something like that. She said nothing has been done yet, but feels they need to do something to protect the town. There is no deterrent at this time but common sense says they need to think about it. Chairman Bussiere said he was concerned also, but when he checked he was told there is insurance coverage, which was like insuring playground equipment. The Board suggested checking further with our insurance company for recommendations on how to protect the town.

It was Selectman Moroney noted there had been a lot of changes at the former Grand View and said there is concern about safety of the firemen if anything should ever happen there. Chairman Bussiere said he had taken a Building permit application and left information about the Boards that they should be looking into. He asked that he be called when Stan comes in Tuesday and they could perhaps go over together for another visit. He said he will also talk with Stan about another situation with selling cars.

Greg Hogan spoke about getting other prices for oil, referring to the previous meeting when he had been asked to do so. He said Dead River, Presby and Irving don’t want to quote us; he had no word back from CN Brown; and Fitch Fuel said the only way they would do it is if we commit on the day they talk with the broker, which he said he understands, but can’t do that. He went on to say when he spoke with Stiles, the price had risen five cents from the week before, so it is now at $3.479. Mr. Hogan reminded all that we also have to be concerned about getting service. He said there had been a suggestion about putting an ad in the paper in the summer, which he has no problem with and would do in the future. Selectman Moroney made a Motion to: Lock in with Stiles at $3.479 for 14,000 gallons. Selectman Dowling seconded and it passed unanimously.

Chairman Bussiere said the Board received a letter from Lee Hallquist regarding loud noises. He just wanted to let him know of the receipt of it and that the Board will look into what they can or cannot do. He wanted to let Mr. Hallquist know his concerns weren’t falling into a black hole somewhere.

Joan Karpf asked regarding the motion to follow up on the Rines case regarding attorney fees, if this means the Board will not be trying to get them. Selectman Moroney said she didn’t second it because she’s going to abstain from voting on it anyway. Chairman Bussiere said he is still reading it and wants to make sure he has the time to read it thoroughly and that it doesn’t mean they are not going to try to recoup the money. Mrs. Karpf asked the Board if they understand what it means and Chairman Bussiere assured her they did and if they move forward they will start calculating the fees.

As there was no further business, the Board was polled and went into non-public session for Personnel matters at 7:55 p.m.

At the close of Non-Public Session, Selectman Dowling moved to return to Public Session and seal the minutes from Non-Public Session. Selectman Moroney seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

There being no further discussion, Selectman Dowling made a Motion to: adjourn the meeting. Selectman Moroney seconded and the Motion passed unanimously. Chairman Bussiere declared the meeting ended at 8:50 p.m. The next meeting will be Monday, October 21, 2013