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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes of 5/20/2013 APPROVED

June 5th, 2013

Carroll Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
May 20, 2013
"These minutes of the Town of Carroll Select Board have been recorded by its Secretary.
Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions and corrections by the Select Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2."

Minutes recorded by Maryclare Quigley, Secretary

Board members present: Paul Bussiere, Bill Dowling, Bonnie Moroney

The meeting was called to order at 7 PM by Chairman Bussiere

Members of the public present: Mr. and Mrs. Gorbich, Jane Ikasalo, Judy St. Croix, John Warren, Eric Schloss, Mike Gooden, Frank Maturo, Scott Sonia, Jeremy Oleson, Andy Martel, Michelle MacCorisin, Dave Scalley, Greg Hogan, Ann Fabrizio, Donna Foster, Jack Deamorin and Guest

Pledge of Allegiance

The meeting was filmed by Jane Ikasalo and Judy St. Croix.

The Board announced the approval of bills and signing of manifests.

Selectman Moroney made a Motion to: Accept the minutes of 5/6/2013 as written. Selectman Dowling seconded and it passed unanimously.

Chairman Bussiere said we’re hoping the auditors will be here in the next three weeks or so and they will talk about the money owed to the Water Department.

Mr. and Mrs. Gorbich were in about the water issue at the Twin Mountain Motor Court which they said they’ve had for a number of years. In addition to replacing three or four water heaters over the years because of spikes in pressure, they discovered they had a leak when they received their latest water bill which was more than $500 higher than their normal for the time of year. They said their meter is in a pit which precludes their being able to look at it, as well as making it impossible to put a pressure-reducing valve on it. They said they are willing to work with the town and used bills from the same period for the past several years to come up with an average, which they increased and used that figure of $392.90, to pay their bill. They said they are looking for relief of the additional $500. Mr. and Mrs. Gorbich also said they couldn’t shut the water off as the pit was full of dirt and they couldn’t even find the turn-off. Two years ago they were told they would have a meter and valve put into the house but it hasn’t happened. Scott Sonia, Water Supervisor, said he had told them he would install a brand new water meter and pressure-reducing valve and run it to the campground but didn’t hear any more. Mr. Sonia reiterated the offer and they said they want to have it done – Mr. Gorbich said he would take care of the digging. Chairman Bussiere suggested they work out a schedule and take care of this. Selectman Dowling said there had been leaks in the past and no discounts had been given. Chairman Bussiere said he would like to look into the matter and should have an answer at the next meeting, to which they agreed. It was noted they can be notified by letter if they can’t come to the meeting. It was noted that since the system was installed there have been high pressure issues throughout the town.

Michelle MacCorisin said she was speaking on behalf of Parks and Recreation and was in to notify the town of the Fourth of July festivities and fireworks they are planning. There will be crafters and things for children i.e. a bouncy house. They have spoken with Fire and Police and have the okay from both. They are seeking donations to cover the cost of the fireworks and have cans in various stores, but will be actively soliciting money from businesses including the Mount Washington Hotel. Selectman Dowling made a Motion to: Approve their plans and Selectman Moroney seconded. The Motion passed unanimously.

Selectman Dowling said the warrant article for $5,700 for a Town Hall Energy Audit had been approved in March. Audits were done in 2011 at the Highway Garage, Fire Department and Pump House by a company who did a very thorough job and he would like to have the same company do this one. He said they tried for a grant last year but didn’t get it. He said for the Bid Policy starts at $10,000 for things like this. Selectman Moroney asked how the company was chosen and Selectman Dowling said the previous audit was done with Bill Vecchio’s help and he wasn’t sure if it was through the electric company or the State grant. The company is G.D.S. Associates in Manchester, and we can contact them to get a price, etc. This was where he got the amount for the warrant article. Selectman Dowling made a Motion to: Move forward with securing a quote for the energy audit. Selectman Moroney seconded and it passed unanimously. The Board asked the Secretary to call for a new price, agreement, etc.

David Scalley said that Bill Dowling mentioned at the last meeting, May 6, that we were getting audited by the A G, he wanted it to be clear when he made reference to the invoice on March 4, he was only asking about insurance on Workers’ Comp and general liability where the town had paid Bill to do cutting. He had no issue with his doing the cutting he just wanted to make sure the town was covered correctly on the insurances and would like that in the minutes.

Discussion regarding a property owner on Little River Road being allowed to hook into the Carroll water system ensued. The Secretary handed two water bills she had received from the Tax Collector as possible reasons why the Selectmen may not want to waive the policy to not sell to non-resident properties. These bills have not been paid, one for two billing cycles, and they cannot be taken to tax lien along with any others because these particular properties are not in the Town of Carroll – they are in Bethlehem, and the Town has no recourse. Discussion of turning off the water took place, with various motions made to do so and withdrawn, but one of the properties includes several tenants and by law they must be notified individually, not just the property owner. It was also noted that there is a time during the winter months that the Town cannot legally shut water off. Selectman Dowling made a Motion to: Notify the tenants tomorrow that the water will be shut off. Chairman Bussiere seconded and it passed unanimously. Chairman Bussiere said to help resolve the issue for non-resident water service, he had been reading about the response and the Public Utilities Commission and learned that there is such a thing as an “intergovernmental agreement” which he said may be entered into with the Town of Bethlehem and perhaps this could include putting liens on property for the Town of Carroll as this is obviously an issue with the one bill being almost $800 outstanding. The Chairman said he will continue to research this.

Andy Martel said to get back to the original reason for the letter, he understands the current issue of non-payment, but this is not their issue. He alluded to Mr. Deamorin and said he knows they will pay their bill. As the line runs right by the property, they are hoping to get this resolved so they can hook into it, as they are trying to start building their house soon. Selectman Dowling said they would have to be in touch with the PUC and can’t do anything tonight. Selectman Moroney reminded that it had been a vote by the people that the Town of Carroll should not allow water service to property in other towns. Chairman Bussiere said he will continue to look into this and will hope to have an answer by the next meeting.

The following items were approved and signed:

Intent to Cut – Timberwolf Logging (USFS Rt. 302)
Water Warrant – Riverside Trust
Oath of Office – Smalley, Planning Board Alternate
Town Hall Use Permit Application – Recreation/Chamber of Commerce (Music Series)
Yield Tax Warrant – Northern NH Nursery, Bayroot, Timberwolf Logging


Selectman Dowling asked the Chairman if he had looked at the Rines bill yet and he said he had. He said he was told the Planning Board sets its own costing policy and revises it as needed, though he said he wants to get that in writing and will have it for the next meeting.

Selectman Dowling asked about the email from the Town Clerk to talk with the lawyer. The Secretary reminded them that it was a phone conversation and that she needed information right away. It was asked if the Town Clerk could write something up that they can see i.e. questions asked and the response and the Secretary said she would ask for that. She went on to say that it is a cumbersome policy as LGC was called but specifics regarding the particular property were needed and she had to get it from Town Counsel. Chairman Bussiere said the reason the whole thing was implemented is because some things were happening where they weren’t sure what was actually being asked so the policy was written up and set to be modified at any time – it’s a work in progress, so if we find that anything is “clunky” and can be streamlined, it should be. He said if anyone has suggestions to let them know, that basically they are looking for a paper trail.

Selectman Moroney said she had mentioned at the last meeting and emailed the lawyer on which they were both copied. She’s making a motion now to be able to address this at the Planning Board as it was answered as Confidential and the Board has to approve to give her the ability to do this. Selectman Dowling said he would make that Motion, Chairman Bussiere seconded and it passed unanimously.

Selectman Moroney also wanted to remind all that the Memorial Day Parade will start at 11 a.m. and there will be hamburgers and hot dogs at the Fire Station for everybody afterward. (She also said it would be a beautiful day, because she put in for it!)

Chairman Bussiere asked if there would be any information anywhere for the Fourth of July. Mrs. MacCorisin said there will be flyers put up and mailed.

John Warren said he wasn’t sure if this was the right place, but he said in the last Planning Board minutes there was a Hunt Property where they decided to pay half of his third party review bill and he would like to know how he can get his paid. Chairman Bussiere said he would have to go to the Planning Board as they set their own fees. He said as far as rebating, he’s not sure how it works. He should have an answer at the next meeting.

Dave Scalley spoke about the Fourth of July and said at a meeting last year Jim Covey spoke about a patriot fund for $1,500 for the Chamber of Commerce and that it was for fireworks. He wondered if it was approved and if so, where it went and asked if they could get it to put towards the fireworks for this year. It was determined this had been requested but that it had been removed by the Budget Committee before the budget went to vote. Mr. Scalley said the cost is $2,500 and they are seeking donations and wondered if the Town could contribute to it. He was told they can’t as it wasn’t anywhere in the budget.

Mr. Scalley said there was $5,600 left from the Recreation budget last year that wasn’t spent and wondered where it went. Selectman Moroney said unless they had a legal contract for a project or purchase for the next year and encumbered the money with the Select Board, then it’s gone – it goes to the General Fund into the unassigned fund balance.

As there was no further business, the Board was polled and went into non-public session for personnel and town aid matters at 7:55 p.m.

At the close of Non-Public Session, Selectman Dowling moved to return to Public Session and seal the minutes from Non-Public Session. Selectman Moroney seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

There being no further discussion, Selectman Dowling made a Motion to: adjourn the meeting. Selectman Moroney seconded and the Motion passed unanimously. Chairman Bussiere declared the meeting ended at 8:22 p.m. The next meeting will be Monday, June 3, 2013.