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Minutes of 4/22/2013 DRAFT

May 3rd, 2013

Carroll Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
April 22, 2013
"These minutes of the Town of Carroll Select Board have been recorded by its Secretary.
Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions and corrections by the Select Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2."

Minutes recorded by Maryclare Quigley, Secretary

Board members present: Paul Bussiere, Bill Dowling, Bonnie Moroney

The meeting was called to order at 7 PM by Chairman Bussiere

Members of the public present: Frank Maturo, Mike Gooden, Ann Fabrizio, Eric Schloss, John Warren, Jane Ikasalo, Judy St. Croix, Dianne Hogan, Michael Hogan

Pledge of Allegiance

The meeting was filmed by Jane Ikasalo and Judy St. Croix.

The Board announced the approval of bills and signing of manifests.

Selectman Moroney made a Motion to: Accept the minutes of 4/8/2013 as written. Selectman Dowling seconded and it passed unanimously.

Chairman Bussiere said the auditors will be coming in a few weeks and he hopes they will be able to discuss the money transfer to the Water Department. He said he had spoken with Sue Kraabel who believes about $45,000 was forgiven and about that same amount owed; however, he said they still need to research the amount owed. Selectman Moroney said the water rates had been increased to cover the operating costs of the department as they had previously not. She asked if they were still talking about the $90,000. It was stated the Bond had been paid by the Water Department two years and this is the amount being discussed. Once the amount is verified, they need to be able to show the pay-off in a legal way, thus the necessity of conferring with the auditor.

Chairman Bussiere said at the last meeting they voted 2 to 1to accept the increase for the Transfer Station wages as shown in the budget. He spoke with LGC in the meantime, and it was not illegal that Selectman Dowling voted. However, it would be overturned in Court if someone were to challenge it. The LGC attorney advised the board should vacate the previous vote and revote. Selectman Dowling made a Motion to: Vacate the vote at the previously meeting regarding the Transfer Station raises. Selectman Moroney seconded and it passed unanimously.
Selectman Dowling said he won’t step down, but he will vote on the raise for the help and not include his own pay. Therefore, Selectman Dowling made a Motion to: Vote on the budget for the help and leave him out of it. Chairman Bussiere seconded and asked for discussion. Selectman Moroney said the job isn’t open for the other person to take over and said she was wondering why Bill Dowling has not stepped down. Mr. Dowling said prior to his taking over, there was no paperwork sent to Concord. Since then all paperwork is done and there are no problems from Concord. After Selectman Moroney asked, it was determined the Transfer Station is open to the public 19 hours a week and there are 11 hours a week for preparing and training. Selectman Moroney asked if there has been training for the last two years why it is not complete to this point. Mr. Dowling said up to now he’s been learning mechanics and doing a good job but there’s been no time for paperwork, when the public is there, they have to be tended to. Selectman Moroney said she feels the transition has been quite extended and that until training is done, Mr. Dowling should stay as Supervisor and complete training until the person is hired or not.

Chairman Bussiere said the primary issue is the approved Transfer Station budget and that they retracted the previous vote and he is seeing questions about lines 101 and 102 in the budget for wages and how many of the 11 hours are going to training. He said maybe they should see a schedule of training. Selectman Moroney said voting on the pay issue is agreeing to $16 an hour and the person is not the Supervisor. The Chairman reiterated that it had been discussed at many meetings as well as the Deliberative session. Selectman Moroney said he stated that he was teaching someone to become the supervisor and he would step down – not that he would be training at these rates. Chairman Bussiere said a motion to change/reduce was made at the Deliberative session and it failed and asked if the position was full time and told no. It was compared to previously when the ambulance was not purchased. Two Selectmen at that time were asked and they said they were not required to spend the money just because it was voted in. Selectman Moroney said until the supervisor position is filled they have the right to leave the money in the budget. She said they voted for the amount on the line, not the position, just as with the Fire Department that still has a position not filled.

Discussion ensued that line 101 would be $16 an hour for 32 hours and that line 102 would be $11.50 an hour for 21 hours. Selectman Moroney said this gives the assistant the same as the supervisor – or, she asked, what he would be given. She continued saying the line amounts are not the issue, but that the Board should be voting on the hourly wage and believes the previous Board did not. She asked when Mr. Dowling drops back to attendant if his rate would drop and when Mr. Dowling gets done, would the other gentleman move into the attendant spot. She believes the raises should be in increments according to training and position. Selectman Dowling reiterated his Motion to: Vote on the budget for the help and leave him out of it, and added, it would be line 100 Transfer Station Supervisor, unchanged; line 101 to $16 per hour; line 102 go to $11.50 per hour. Selectman Moroney wanted to amend this,
Chairman Bussiere seconded and the motion was rescinded by 2 to 1.

Chairman Bussiere asked what their thoughts were on pay and Selectman Moroney said she felt line 101 should be $12.50 per hour; Chairman Bussiere said $14.00 per hour; Selectman Dowling said $16.00 per hour. After further discussion, Selectman Moroney asked if a date has been set when the job will be learned and the person will be set as supervisor and was told July. Chairman Bussiere asked when in July the change will be made. It was reiterated that maintenance of machinery and buildings as well as paperwork, etc. have to be learned, and they agreed on July 4. Selectman Moroney amended the Motion that: Line 101 will be $14 per hour with the completion date for training and transition of Supervisor duty on or before July 4. Chairman Bussiere seconded and the Motion passed by a vote of 2 to 1. They voted then on the amended Motion: line 101 to $14.00 per hour; line 102 to $11.50 per hour. Chairman Bussiere seconded the Motion and it passed unanimously.

Selectman Moroney said the Selectman Representative Policy, approved in 2011, was brought up recently as being micromanaging. It was deemed not a good policy and some department heads did not like it. She said she had complaints but did not want to name who, as she doesn’t want them to have to deal with repercussions. She said the department heads have always come to the Board and can continue to do so. Selectman Dowling said they were never stopped from coming to the Board, but if someone had a problem between meetings, etc., they could have taken care of it. As there were no department heads at the meeting to ask, Selectman Dowling suggested that the Chairman speak with them personally and in private so they can speak honestly about it. Chairman Bussiere agreed and said he would report at the next meeting.

The Parks and Recreation Commission forwarded a request that the Board appoint Tina Willoughby to a three year term. Selectman Dowling made a Motion to: Appoint Tina Willoughby to the Commission for a three year term. Selectman Moroney seconded and it passed unanimously.

The following items were approved and signed:

MS-60A DRA Auditor Option
Yield Tax Warrant -- Royer
Excavation Tax Warrant – Pike Industries, Inc.
Veterans Tax Credit – Brown
Water Abatement – Twin Mountain Family Limited
Oaths of Office – Mitiguy, Willoughby
Certificate of Occupancy – A T & T
Town Hall Use Permit Application -- Morse


Selectman Dowling said at the Board meeting on February 25, they spoke about two outstanding invoices pertaining to Planning Board issues and the Selectmen said they’d take care of them; he didn’t know if anything had been done. He said they were from a third party review for Hunt Properties and the Rines Subdivision. Chairman Bussiere said he wanted to be sure of what should be done and recommended they table this until they can get more information. Selectman Dowling said they should do something or not.

Selectman Moroney said they are offering an EMT course at the Fire Department. She said the Town needs more volunteers and it is very worthwhile. Anyone interested should contact Jeremy Oleson at the Fire Station.

Selectman Moroney also wished everyone Happy Earth Day – even though it’s not warm enough to plan trees!

Michael Hogan spoke referring to previous discussion of raises and said this would actually pertain to everyone. He said people should start at a certain rate and reach a maximum, position-wise. From what he’s head, there’s no set review or plans on how raises are given and there is no step process. He said that is doing an injustice to those employees of town and when they reach a maximum, then there should be cost-of-living raises.

Selectman Moroney explained several years there was a percentage across-the-board, which had to be approved by the Select Board, Budget Committee and a Town vote. But two years ago, the Board would not release the raises until evaluations were done, so they started to do evaluations and had to get all approved.

Mr. Hogan said they should set parameters on each position and then evaluations are an incentive and things should be all set. When within the parameters and the budget, then the department head should have the authority to make a wage change. This is part of why there are department heads and they should be allowed to run their departments.

As there was no further business, the Board was polled and went into non-public session for town aid matters at 8:30 p.m.

At the close of Non-Public Session, Selectman Dowling moved to return to Public Session and seal the minutes from Non-Public Session. Selectman Moroney seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

There being no further discussion, Selectman Dowling made a Motion to: adjourn the meeting. Selectman Moroney seconded and the Motion passed unanimously. Chairman Bussiere declared the meeting ended at 8:48 p.m. The next meeting will be Monday, May 6, 2013.