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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes of 4/9/2012 APPROVED

May 8th, 2012

Carroll Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
April 9, 2012
APPROVED 5/7/2012
"These minutes of the Town of Carroll Select Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions and corrections by the Select Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2."

Minutes recorded by Maryclare Quigley, Secretary

Board members present: Bill Dowling, Mark Catalano, Paul Bussiere

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Dowling

Members of the public present: Mike Gooden, Ann Fabrizio, Dianne Hogan, Mike Hogan, Nancy Mitiguy, Al Strasser, Donna Foster, Scott Sonia, Joan Karpf, Coleton Hogan, John Gardiner

Pledge of Allegiance

The meeting was filmed by Jane Ikasalo

The Board announced the approval of bills and signing of checks.

Chairman Dowling announced that a binder with copies of all correspondence, forms, etc. that the Selectmen have to sign is available at the Selectmen’s Office for public viewing. These documents will be signed as the Selectmen are in the Office.

Selectman Catalano made a Motion to: Accept the minutes of March 26, 2012, as written. Selectman Bussiere seconded and the Motion passed.

Stan Borkowski’s report was received and posted.

Chairman Dowling announced that beginning now all complaint forms must be signed and will not be accepted without signatures. He said if the person wants his/her name to be kept confidential we can respect that, but in the interest of possible legal liability, signatures must be included.

Selectman Catalano said he had hoped we could have had a meeting with the Auditors when they are planning to be here on April 12, to start the audit for 2011, however not everyone will be available. Therefore, he said he hopes they will be able to arrange something for the following week.
Bill Dowling, as Manager of the Transfer Station, explained that one of the garage doors had been broken and could not be fixed. He said he called five companies/vendors and received responses from three regarding replacing it.

The respondents and their quotes are: TTS Services, $3,325; Laurent Overhead Door Systems, Inc., $4,152; The Overhead Door Co. of Burlington, Inc., $2,950.

There was discussion comparing the three quotes and what they covered. Eventually it was found that all three offered warranty information. Based on discussion and information, Selectman Catalano made a Motion to: Award the job to TTS Services. Selectman Bussiere seconded and the Motion passed unanimously. Butch Garneau wanted to ask a question but was asked to wait until the end of the meeting.

Greg Hogan, Road Agent, told the Board he had advertised in the Union Leader, as requested and had received several bids for the Highway Dump Truck for which there had been a warrant article voted on and passed. Mr. Hogan explained Hillsboro Ford came in at $57,621 which was substantially lower than the numbers he had originally received for putting the warrant article together. He further explained that many dealers sell the truck chassis and then have to “shop it out” to have it all put together with the dump body, etc. etc., but Hillsboro Ford does all of that work in-house. He also assured the Board that this was not skimping on anything. Mr. Hogan was asked if the old truck will go as trade-in and he said he will know soon if this is to happen. It was noted the plow and sander do have some and the question was posed if it would make sense to save anything from the old truck. After brief discussion, where it was stated that anything that might be saved would be stored outside in the weather, it was agreed that it probably would not make a lot of sense, so its disposition should be as originally planned; either trade it in or sell it. Selectman Bussiere made a Motion to: Accept the Hillsboro Ford quote and purchase the vehicle from them. Selectman Catalano seconded and the Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Hogan thanked the Board and said he will place the order.

Mr. Hogan continued with the slip-lining of the culvert on New Straw Road that will go along with the reconstruction project. Again, the ad was placed in the Union Leader as requested and he said he did not get many responses as few companies do this process. He explained preliminary estimates were around $80,000 when in fact it is more in the area of $44,000. Ted Berry Trenchless Technologies Team, LLC, in Livermore Falls, ME, was the only quote received. This also allows the Town to purchase the pipe themselves through E.J. Prescott Co. which also saves money. After a brief discussion of the procedure Mr. Hogan pointed out that the Selectmen will be actually signing the quote from which the Company will produce a contract. Therefore, Selectman Bussiere made a Motion to: Accept quotes from E.J. Prescott Co. and Ted Berry Trenchless Technologies Team, LLC, pending review of contract. Selectman Catalano seconded and it passed unanimously.

Dave Scalley asked to be recognized. First he said he wanted to thank the Fire Department and the EMS for the call they made at St. Patrick’s Church on Easter Sunday as he felt they did a very good job.

Mr. Scalley then asked the Board when the deadline requirement for complaint forms began. Chairman Dowling said the reason was the Board needs a chance to review it in order to act on it. He said it was policy before he came on the Board, that everything needs to be in ten days before the meeting. Mr. Scalley thanked him.

Mr. Scalley presented the Board with a letter that had attachments. He told the Board the documents attached included items from non-public sessions. He said he believes there is a big conflict having a husband and wife on two Boards and who are in direct conflict with him as they are all people in competing businesses on Route 3. He said he wanted to review issues that he has been coming before the Board with on many occasions and he said also, that he heard a statement at a Planning Board meeting that had been made in a non-public session. Mr. Scalley said things are not being done in a timely manner in this town. He said he has been trying to get a Special Exception which he had been told would be a “walk in the park.” He said he is still waiting for an answer from the Chair to a message he left several weeks ago. He said he feels anything to try to make things better in Twin Mountain can’t be done. He referred to Selectman Catalano’s statement at the last meeting about being frustrated that people voted against accepting roads as town roads and that he feels it alienates contractors and developers. Mr. Scalley said he believes we have a Zoning Board and Planning Board to make sure things are done properly but not to stop or hinder things.

Selectman Catalano said he feels there is distrust and problems with perception with the boards and he wants to help overcome them. He believes representatives from the Zoning and Planning Boards should get together with the Select Board and make a plan – lay out the issues and move on from there. Mr. Scalley said he feels the only reason anything is getting done is because he comes to these public meetings. He feels the land boards should start by not dragging their feet on projects in town and would like to address that. He said he did everything he was told to do starting back in October. Selectman Catalano said he thinks a special meeting should be called and get things resolved and not wait until the next regular meeting. Chairman Dowling said he offered Mr. Scalley a chance to have non-public about this as by doing it in a public meeting is taking away rights from some of the people involved.

Evan Karpf said if this proceeds into non-public or another venue everyone will have only one side of this complaint and he said they may not be getting the truth.

Selectman Bussiere said in answer to an earlier question, that Evan was at his house today. He went on to say he feels Dave Scalley is a victim of changing rules and that he got caught in it. Butch Garneau said, referring to Dr. Karpf being at Selectman Bussiere’s house, that when people see meetings taking place, it makes them wonder what’s going on. Rena Vecchio said she thought by meeting with people in private homes it may keep the public from their right to know. Chairman Dowling stated they are able to have people in their own homes. It was stated if Mr. Scalley goes to the ZBA and is concerned about the bias of one member, the remainder of the Board should be voting the proper way, and thus the integrity of the Board would be intact. He went on to say it is not illegal to talk with people on the same board as long as they are not making any decisions. Chairman Dowling quoted RSA 91-A:2 I that defines a meeting as a quorum of a board and there can be no decisions without a quorum, thus until there is a quorum, there are no rights violated.
Joan Karpf, Chairman of the ZBA, said she needed facts based on a ZBA decision and asked what date Mr. Scalley filed his special exception application. Mr. Scalley responded his first application was on February 2, but it was sent back because it wasn’t correct. When Mrs. Karpf said she had no knowledge of the application, Mr. Scalley questioned it as he said the minutes said otherwise. Selectman Catalano said we need to stop looking back and find out what needs to be done to get Mr. Scalley moving forward. Mr. Garneau said he hopes they get something in order so the same thing doesn’t happen to someone else coming into town.

It was stated this must be cleared up and not allowed to be swept under the rug and it should be the process, not people’s character that is under question. It was agreed that a meeting would be in order when cooler heads prevail.


Chairman Dowling said he had looked at the line items for the janitor for the Town Hall and the cleaning lady has reduced her time by five hours a week. He said the hours for the Police Station need to be reduced to two or three hours a month to keep under budget. We can increase hours as time goes on if money and need increase. He gave a form to the Board to look at for the new budget season.

Mrs. Vecchio questioned the requirement that complaint forms must be signed. Chairman Dowling explained if the person wants it kept confidential, it will be, but the name must be on it in case of a legal issue.

Butch Garneau asked if the door at the Transfer Station had to be replaced. Chairman Dowling said it did, they would have fixed it if they could have.

Donna Foster said she is on the Planning Board and as there is no longer a face in the office, she has prepared a form for contact information and a log for paperwork if people remove anything. She said this is just to get us through until both Boards meet again. Evan Karpf said he had emailed something similar already to the secretary with a copy to Mrs. Foster. Joan Karpf said much of the ZBA information is on-line.

Jim Covey spoke about the train that will be placed at the intersection. He said after four moves, walking the area with DOT, working out a location because of town water, and spending $2,300 on engineering fees AND doing all of this to State specs and request, now the State said to move it 50 feet. Mr. Covey thanked Scott Sonia, Water Superintendent, for all of his work and said he re-walked the area and that at no cost to the Chamber by Horizon Engineering, they have reworked their plans and moved it 50 feet. He said the plan is in Concord now for their approval and gave a set to the Town. The town signboard in the area will be placed elsewhere. Mr. Covey reminded all that the goal is to try to make us a world-class location and get people to stop here not just travel through. Mr. Covey was thanked for all his work on this project.

As there was no further business, the Board was polled and went into non-public session for personnel matters and town aid at 8:45 p.m.

At the close of Non-Public Session, Selectman Bussiere moved to return to Public Session and seal the minutes from Non-Public Session. Selectman Catalano seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

There being no further discussion, Chairman Dowling made a Motion to: adjourn the meeting. Selectman Catalano seconded and the Motion passed unanimously. Chairman Dowling declared the meeting ended at 11:08 p.m. The next meeting will be on Monday, April 23, 2012.